Our project features a wealth of opportunities for all sorts of community members, whether you’re a new NFT collector, a whale, a lover of fantasy fiction, a gamer, or a socialite, and more.
In a project based on an expansive fantasy world, there will always be new adventures, opportunities and treasures to discover. Enjoy the journey.
As such, even this short version has a lot of information. We’ve tried to condense it as much as possible without losing any of the key features of the project. The full Vision Paper can be found here.
Our vision
Welcome to the Stag Alliance. Welcome to the Elderworld.
We aim to create a fantasy entertainment giant as well known as Pokémon, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Game of Thrones, the Witcher, and Marvel.
Stag Alliance NFTs are designed to capture the value of that ecosystem.
Imagine a digital Pokémon card that earns income from the sales of Pokémon products and gains exclusive access to the entire ecosystem.
That’s our vision. That’s the new paradigm.
Stag Alliance and Portal Pass NFTs are the genesis collections of that vision, and they’re designed to capture the most value within the ecosystem.
We believe we’ve created the best possible value capturing mechanism in NFT and web3
- Economic - Our NFTs can now earn income from the sales of real world fantasy products.
- Collectable - The fantasy products are about the NFT characters and the fantasy world they’re in. This can directly increase the collectable value of the NFTs.
- Ecosystem - The NFTs have perks and priorities across the entire project ecosystem.
- Community - NFT holding community are empowered to create value with the project.
- Perpetual - Each type of value capture powers the other to create a sustainable and prosperous value mechanism.
The Stag Alliance NFTs are the genesis collection of the Elderworld
- Creating a fantasy brand named the Elderworld, of which the Stag Alliance is a cornerstone.
- Think of it like the Marvel universe with a huge range of characters, storylines and media.
- We aim to become a household brand, using the new paradigm of value that NFTs can create to accelerate us there.
Stag Alliance NFTs can earn $ADA income from fantasy product sales
- We can generate income with the fantasy products we’re releasing, such as
- Print books on Amazon, Apple, and beyond.
- eBooks on Amazon, Apple, Book.io and beyond.
- Audio books and audio streaming services on Audible, Apple, YouTube, Spotify, and beyond.
- Limited edition collectable hardcovers.
- In-game purchases.
- In-game NFT mints.
- Further relevant digital collectables.
- NFT mints.
- Book.io mints.
- Secondary market royalties.
- Physical merchandise.
- Physical collectables.
- Phygitals.
- Other opportunities can arise as the brand grows.
- We’ve worked with a leading legal services firm to make sure some of this income can go straight to our NFT holders without being at high risk of regulatory issues
Incredible art, and yet so much more than that
- The collection has been hand drawn, has over 400 traits and has many levels of sophistication
- This has been designed in a way that lets us gamify everything, right down to individual NFTs and their traits
- 5 Factions giving different perks and abilities across the ecosystem
- 10 clans, ruled by 2 Royals per clan
- So much more! Check out the full Vision Paper for more details
A gamified platform for a unique, fun and rewarding experience for everyone
- Stake your NFTs at the Bank of Moonstone and earn Prestige (PSTG) points. PSTG gives a range of ecosystem benefits
- Earn $ADA from Vault Rewards
- Voting at Royal courts - have your say!
- Your NFTs can become legends in our literature and marketing, increasing their collectable value
- Exclusive access to collectable products
- Free products
- In-game features
- Find out more about PSTG in the full vision paper, here
- Vote at the Royal Courts
- Have your say and help us shape the project the way you want it by engaging in our opinion polls at the Royal Courts
- Trade at the Marketplace of Moonstone
- Earn in-game currency and use it to buy
- NFTs
- Raffle tickets
- In-game boosts
- And more
- Gather, refine and craft to mint rare NFTS
- Play mini-games and engage in RPG-style activities
- Grow your wealth in the Elderworld
- Mint rare items as NFTS
- NFTS become the bridge of value between the Elderworld game world and real world
- Many more features to come
- Find out more here
Enter the Portal Events
- Demo the gamified elements of our platform first during the Enter the Portal Events.
- All players will get a rare game item from the Elderworld
- Portal Pass holders and royals guaranteed a rare NFT item from the Elderworld
- Other players can compete to win the top tier NFT prizes, though all players will get an in-game item at the least
- Find out more here
Our team values
- Valuing community, trust, continual improvement and innovation
- Aiming to build a community of millions of people who love fantasy and immersing them in the Elderworld with gamification across socials and an interactive web platform
- In one year we’ve gone from an exploratory project to a scale-up of over 10 talented people and growing fast
Growing our brand beyond CNFT
- The fantasy products (such as books) we’re creating enable us to capture an audience way beyond CNFT, and so we can expand our marketing to many more channels and capture much larger audiences.
- TikTok
- Discord
- Anywhere else we can captivate and engage people who love fantasy and gamification