Ten stags and ten deer answered the call and their herds cheered as they were crowned kings and queens to rule the ten clans of the Alliance in prosperity.

Queen Ferocity
Ferocity is a brave and feisty Knight. She rules clan Ferocunn with King Cunning. She's the most controversial Royal of them all. She wants the Alliance to bask in riches and will stop at nothing to make it happen.

King Cunning
To those who can't see through King Cunning's schemes, he's charming and influential. To those who can, he's greedy and selfish. Cunning is a Political who uses brain over brawn. He rules clan Ferocunn with Queen Ferocity. Together, they're a formidable leadership.

Queen Virtue
A queen who values virtue over material, she's elegant, intelligent and kind. Birds and flowers are attracted to her because of her harmony with nature. She's half Maker and half Political. Queen Virtue rules clan Virtice with King Justice.

King Justice
Justice is a humble king, part Knight, Maker and Political. He holds the mighty hammer of justice and is often appointed to mediate occurrences of wrongdoing or dispute in the Alliance. He rules clan Virtice with Queen Virtue.

King Fairness
King Fairness is fair by name and fair by nature. He's kind and understanding, and often called alongside King Justice to settle matters of dispute in the Alliance. He's half Political and half Maker. King Fairness rules clan Airesty with queen Modesty.

Queen Modesty
Queen Modesty, is of course, modest. She's a Conjurer who is more concerned with the magical powers of the earth than her own political or economic gain. This makes her a fair and uncontroversial leader. Queen Modesty rules clan Airesty with King Fairness.

King Wisdom
King Wisdom rules clan Domence with his queen, Prudence. Wisdom is a great Conjurer who advocates for peace and prosperity in the Alliance and beyond. Of the Royals, he is The Chosen One's closest friend.

Queen Prudence
Queen Prudence is patient and wise, half Political and half Conjurer. Her politics and magics are patient and thoroughly considered, which is where she gets here name. Prudence rules clan Domence with King Wisdom.

Queen Vitality
Queen Vitality glows with flowers and animals that are attracted to her vibrant lifeforce. She's half Conjurer and half Maker. Queen Vitality rules clan Vitegrity with King Integrity.

King Integrity
King Integrity is humble and strong. He's a Political and a Maker known for sticking to his values at no matter the cost. King Integrity rules clan Vitegrity with Queen Vitality.

King Ruthless
King Ruthless rules clan Thelessious with Queen Curious. True to his name, he's ruthless in battle and wears trinkets made from his enemies. He's half Knight and half Conjurer.

Queen Curious
Queen Curious is fascinated by magic. She's a Conjurer who is always experimenting and exploring the powers of the earth. She rules clan Thelessious with King Ruthless.

King Courage
King Courage leads the Alliances defence efforts. He's the most skilled and strategic Knight in the Alliance. Courage rules clan Courience with Queen Patience.

Queen Patience
Queen Patience is a Maker and a Political. Known for her patient nature, she makes the finest creations in the land, especially intricate crafts. Her patience also serves her well in political matters. She rules clan Courience with King Courage.

King Love
King Love is known for spreading love throughout the Alliance and wishing it upon all living creatures. He's covered in flowers and gifts from his clan, who he loves dearly. He's a Maker who rules clan Lovour with Queen Humour.

Queen Humour
Queen humour is colourful and fun, and always smiling and laughing, bringing cheer to all she touches. She's a Maker, Political and Conjurer. She rules clan Lovour with King Love.

Queen Humility
Queen Humility is a great leader, she's an intelligent Political and a strong Knight with a hint of Conjurer. Queen Humility rules clan Ercility with King Mercy.

King Mercy
King Mercy is a humble Political who isn't obsessed with power. He's strong and just, half Knight, half Political. King Mercy rules clan Ercility with Queen Humility.

King Glutton
King Glutton revels in debauchery and is gluttonous in every sense. He parades as a Knight but acts more like a Citizen. He's a greedy leader who has the propensity to betray all, even his own clan, for the right price. King Glutton rules clan Tonire with Queen Desire.

Queen Desire
Queen Desire loves to obtain the nicest things and flaunt them. She's a Political who is more concerned with aesthetics than deeper political issues. She rules clan Tonire with King Glutton.