Collectable value
Truly collectable NFTs, like art, coins, stamps, Pokémon cards, comic books, and things like that
Our NFTs are designed to be true digital collectables. All the products we create will feature the NFTs and this can make them much more collectable. Where currently most NFT projects’ income sources are irrelevant to their NFTs, ours are directly relevant. Our products can generate income, too, and this can be shared with the NFTs. The more sales we make, the more products we can make, too. It’s a sustainable value proposition. Collectability rises with economic value capture.

Literature focused on the Stag Alliance and Elderworld
Most NFT projects don’t have a marketable product. They rely on community hype, which often runs out eventually. We’ll draw value into the system with products such as print books, audio books, digital collectables, physical collectables and merch, e-books, and other income sources.
More products to increase collectable value
This is just the beginning. We intend to create a huge fantasy product range that is designed to increase the collectability of the NFTs. The NFTs can capture all that collectable value.

Elderworld gaming experiences
The Stags are the focal point of the first Elderworld gaming experiences. The characters in the Stag Alliance lore are featured in the game in various ways. This is designed to increase the NFTs’ collectability.

Marketing and community experiences
Our marketing and the experiences we design for our community, from social media to Discord, website to game, and beyond, can all be designed to increase the sentiment, demand and ultimately the collectability of the NFTs.

All of these mechanisms are designed to benefit our holders, our community and the value of the NFT. They would be superficial and eventually self-defeating if value wasn’t being drawn into the system with saleable products.
Remember, collectable value is just one of the types of value our NFTs capture.