Fantasy novels

High quality fantasy literature about Stag Alliance characters and Elderworld
- Print books
- Audio
- E-books
- NFT (
- Collectable hardcovers
Fantasy game: Elderworld,
the Legacy
the Legacy

Establish your legacy in the Elderworld
- Collect real world earnings from the Bank of Moonstone
- Gather resources, craft items, mint rare NFTs, and battle for prizes
- Our NFTs bridge game-world fantasy value with real world value
- Continual expansion of game
- Earn credits and buy NFTs
Community growth

Expanding the Elderworld audience to attract web2 sales
- TikTok
- Discord
- More
our social gamification
our social gamification

- Empowering our community to create more value with us socially
- Engage with us to earn credits and buy NFTs that have real world value
- Improve your wealth in the Elderworld
The Royal Courts - Voting on project direction

- Holders can vote to influence project direction
- Make suggestions for project improvement
In-game currency and marketplace

- Earn in-game currency in various ways spend it on things like
- NFTs with real world value!
- In-game items and boosts
- Prestige multipliers at the Bank of Moonstone
Exciting new developments that we can’t disclose yet