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Valtor, Storm Watcher
Valtor of Tonire
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Once upon a time in a meadow, there was a spacey yellow deer named Valtor. He had lived there all his life with his family and herd.
One day, a strong thunderstorm rolled in, and Valtor, being an easily distracted deer, got separated from the rest of the herd. As he was running through the grass, lightning struck nearby. Shockwaves rushed through Valtor's body, and he stumbled on the wet ground.
He tried to get back up, but his legs wouldn't support his weight.
As he lay there, helpless and afraid, he heard a voice whispering to him. It was the voice of King Wisdom that he was remembering from his past. "Lightning is very dangerous to us deer, especially those with pointed antlers. Don't be afraid of the lightning, Valtor. You must stay low, Valtor and seek shelter among the trees.
Never expose your antlers during a storm.”
Valtor looked around and saw only 2 trees in the vast meadow. A small cherry tree with blossoms and a large tree with leaves. He figured the large tree would provide more protection so he crawled across the meadow and under the tree. He waited and waited for the storm to subside thinking the whole time about where his herd and family were and wondering if they were worried about him. After several hours sheltering under the tree Valtor was growing impatient. He left the protection of the tree to see if he could spot anyone from his herd, forgetting the dangers he was putting himself in.
“BOOM! Right as Valtor put his head out from the tree lightning struck his antlers and went straight through his face.
When Valtor woke he saw his family and the leader of the herd, King Wisdom. He felt comforted and safe even though he had a sp[litting headache.
“We found you lying underneath a tree, out cold.” one deer said.
“Let this be a reminder to you, to not get so distracted that you lose sight of what is most important, your herd.” said King Wisdom.
Valtor was just happy to see that the storm had passed and that he was reunited with the deer he loved. Now, Valtor is always looking up at the sky looking for storm clouds and warns his fellow deer whenever danger from the skies are near.