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Bencan, Antler Expert
Bencan of Airesty
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Bencan was a brilliant young chemist who had always been very passionate about his work. While he loved discovering new chemical compounds and inventing new products, there was one thing that had always bothered him – he had small and fragile antlers. Bencan had tried every antler product on the market, but nothing seemed to work, and he was getting more and more self-conscious about his appearance. It was affecting his work, and he knew he had to do something about it.
One day, after weeks of researching and experimenting, Bencan stumbled upon a revolutionary new chemical compound. It was a blend of rare minerals, vitamins, and nutrients that, when combined with a tiny amount of magic, had the potential to transform his antlers into dense, thick, sturdy, antlers that he could be proud of. It was risky, untested, and had a high probability of completely removing his antlers, but he had to try it. He couldn't continue feeling self-conscious of his appearance.
Without a second thought, Bencan mixed the chemicals together and put it into an experimental formulation of ointment. He carefully lathered the ointment into his antlers, not knowing what to expect. After letting it soak in, he examined his antlers in the mirror and was astounded at what he saw - his antlers looked fuller, thicker, and more luscious than they had in years. The antlers even received a nice curl to them. Bencan continued to use the ointment over the next few weeks, and his antlers continued to improve.
Once people started seeing the transformation in Bencan’s antlers, word quickly spread of Bencan’s miraculous ointment. Bencan felt conflicted, he knew that his ointment could make the antlers of every deer in his herd immaculate, but that would make it so that his antlers weren’t special anymore. He had struggled with self-image for so long, and the fact that he had been able to develop a solution to that problem was incredible. Bencan thought about all the other deer that may have similar problems to him and realized that he needed to share his ointment with the herd.
Before he knew it, he was receiving more orders than he could fulfill for his antler strengthening ointment. Even some deer that had made fun of Bencan’s antlers previously were now ordering antler ointment to make their antlers stronger. Bencan was pleased with the success of his ointment, but he was even more proud of the fact that he had been able to develop something that could help deer feel more confident in themselves. Now Bencan is known as the herd’s lead expert in antler care and hygiene.