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Almara, the Amulet, and the Bear (Prelude)
Almara of Domence
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Almara was the strongest of her immediate Domence family. Sure, others in her clan challenged their flame magic skills against hers. But when it came to her brothers, She was the definitely the strongest. She didn't have it easy as she was teased for her dragon horns and her blue Victorian suit that all her family wore.
The other Doe called her Stag-ish and would never give her the time of day. She was honestly quiet jealous of her brother, Jared, as he was so beloved by others. She often thought to herself. "What does have? he has nothing, no status, no special skills with a weapon, or even the magic I possess." This was seen by the other Domence and was the reason they did not get along with Almara.
In fact, the day that he was appointed by their king as the sole Domence watcher over the Westsea - she lost it.
Flames filled her eyes and hatred for her brother flowed through her. She yelled in public at him "You dont have what it takes! The WestSea will eat you alive!" she exclaimed. The other Domence, outraged by Almara's actions suggested it be best if she left the Stone Circle for the time being. Almara, shocked, but understanding the situation of which she had caused left without hesitation.
Almara traveled as far north as she could go, outside of the land of Moonstone. She continued north until the cold winds of the Winter Hills stopped her from going any farther.
She slept at the base of a grand mountain, with miles of glaciers surrounding her. With her flame magic she was able to create a campfires to stay warm. One night while fast asleep, she was woken up by the what sounded ice shattering and deep cries from a wounded animal.
She lit her Trifork, and walked into the night towards the commotion. She was suddenly stopped dead in her tracks by almost stepping off a newly formed cliff in the glacier shelf. Down below she could hear the soft sobbing of what sounded to be a large animal. She waived her trifork around looking for something she could turn into a light source. She found a dead pine tree below and set it ablaze with a single fireball. She quickly saw the culprit of the crash - A large polar bear that had seemingly walked on too thin of the shelf in the glacier.
Almara quickly sprung into action, she turned her flame magic to melt a staircase down to the polar bear. Once down she cautiously approached the bear. The bear didn't seem bothered by Almara. Once close enough to touch the bear, she noticed how gravely wounded it was. She reached out and sent her flame magic to create a controlled burst of intense heat inside the bear's body. Her magic simulated the bear's cells faster than any natural process could.
Her magic had fully had restored the bears health. She had gained an ally.
The next morning, she notice a few things that she hadn't the night before. The ice that had broken from the glacier lay strew about. Jutting out of the ice lay pieces of jewelry. One of which was a large golden medallion on a golden chain. She quite fancied it - so she melted the ice away and picked it up. She immediately felt quite dizzy. The bear whom had been lingering about with his newfound best friend.
Hurried over and nuzzled the Amulet out of her hands and slipped it around his neck. Almara come to and noticing the amulet on the bear's neck, looked over and giggled. She said the bear "Hey that gold looks good on you! We match!". She decided to bring the bear home with her.
As they journeyed she thought about how everyone at home would be so impressed by her new friend! As she thought this, she turned around to take a look at her friend. But instead of seeing the massive bear she had grown to know over the past few weeks, a skinny, rabid, patchy-looking animal stood in its place. The amulet sunken under its skin. In a panic, she tried her healing magic again - no luck. She noticed the amulet now infused with the bear, and before she knew it - the Bear stood up with such force, knocking Almarra backwards. In a crackling voice, words came from the bear, "No hope - despairrrrr".
The bear lunged at Almara, and without thinking of the friend she once knew, aimed directly at the amulet lodged in the bears chest with eyes ablaze. The amulet disintegrated and not knowing her own strength, so did the bear.
Almara grieved.
As she traveled home, she came upon a human merchant heading north. She glanced at his wares and noticed he had very similar looking amulets.
She demanded he tell her where he got them, "Well the Greyisle of course" he said with a smirk. In a fit of rage she walked away only to cast a large fireball at a safe distance, destroying the merchant and his wares. She hurried home. She was greeted by people she knew in a hurry. All at once they they said, "Almara! thank the heavens your home! You just missed your brother, he came to visit the conjurers! He was ill, Almara! Did you see his chest? What an ugly curse that was." Almara's heart sank.