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Recluse Within The Fog
Cygnix of Lovour
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Just on the outskirts of Moonstone, there exists a dark, eerie fog. A fog so deep seated in mystery & folklore that it leaves members of Moonstone trembling at its very thought. To this day, no stags will enter into these woods.
The mystery all started shortly after the transition of the stags into their human-like form. Some of the young stags went playing in the woods one day and returned in such terror that they still have never spoke a single word of what happened that day. With these young stags inability to speak of the events that occurred in the woods, rumors started to swirl about some crazy stag dressed in Blacksmith overalls and blinkers on his head, completely surrounded by fog.
Cygnix of Lovour is what the Stags of Moonstone call him.
The story of Cygnix is shrouded in mystery. Nobody really knows the story behind this recluse in the woods. He keeps to himself and is rarely seen by locals. But once every year on the first buck moon, the fog splits out of the entire wooded area flooding every square inch of Moonstone. The strangest thing is that the fog appears to begin where all the sighting of Cygnix have been.
Is he the one responsible for the fog? But why? Is there some type of magically energy that resides within this fog?
Or is it something else entirely?
Or something evil?