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Marri, the Paradise Vacation
Marri of Domence
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Marri the deer had been dreaming of a luxurious vacation for months, imagining sipping coconut drinks on white sand beaches beneath the sun. When a package arrived in the mail, Marri's heart leapt with joy. It was her travel itinerary for what promised to be an incredible getaway.
The day finally arrived, and Marri eagerly boarded a small airplane, imagining the pampering and relaxation to come. But when she arrived at her destination after several grueling hours of bumpy air travel, she was shocked to discover that she had been misled by the travel agency.
Her luxurious vacation was, in fact, a backpacking trip through the rugged wilderness. But rather than despair, Marri decided to embrace the adventure. She was going to trek through the mountains, wade through rivers, and huddle beneath the stars by night. The first night Marri made new friends, learned to cook her own food, and discovered a new appreciation for the simpler things in life.
In the morning, Marri had to use the restroom. When she asked for a flush toilet, her guide laughed and showed her how to dig a hole in the ground to do her business. Marri was appalled.
She had never seen or heard of any deer doing something so disgusting. She immediately asked to leave
Marri hiked all the way back to the airplane alone holding her bowels the entire way. What was supposed to be a paradise getaway had become a nightmare.
Marri now books all her own vacations, and calls in advance to ensure room service and toilets are available.