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Jarkon, the Wood Carver
Jarkon of Ferocunn
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There was once a brave knight named Jarkon. Jarkon had a great passion- to carve and sculpt wood. The problem was, as a knight, he had very little time to pursue this interest, what with all the battle training and defending his herd. But Jarkon couldn't shake this feeling- the sensation that something vital was missing in his life. He longed to make something with his hands and chainsaw to show off to the world that he was not just a ruthless killer, but also a respectable artist.
One day, after a long day of training in the arena, Jarkon stumbled upon a stumpy log. Without a second thought, he picked up his chainsaw and went to work. He buzzed away and before long a giant eagle with a fish in its talons stood before him. It wasn't perfect, but it was beautiful
From then on, Jarkon made time between battles to work on his carvings. It became his secret escape, the one thing that truly made him happy. Each carving was a work of art, imbued with emotion and creative spirit. As he spent more time carving, he began to get better and better at it.
At first, the other knights scoffed and teased him for his interest in wood carving, but Jarkon didn't care. For him, it was a release- a way to escape into the vastness of his imagination, free of the crushing expectations and responsibilities of his knight's lifestyle. He had found his calling.
After a while, other knights had noticed that Jarkon had become much stronger in their training spares. The way that Jarkon was able to move his chainsaw was unmatched by any other knight in the herd. Realizing the strength and benefit of having a knight as agile as Jarkon on the battlefield drew the respect of every knight.
Jarkon now creates masterpieces that other knights and even royalty come from far and wide to see. There is a certain beauty in his work that goes beyond decoration or aesthetics. It is the beauty of someone who pours their heart and soul into their work.