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Ennerus, Digging for Love
Ennerus of Thelessious
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Many years ago, in a picturesque valley nestled in the mountains, a deer named Ennerus lived a happy life with his wife Dancer. They loved each other deeply and never left each other's side. People say deer mate for life, and Ennerus and Dancer were no exception.
One day, while Dancer and Ennerus were roaming around the valley, Dancer suddenly fell ill. Despite Ennerus' efforts, the illness was too severe, and Dancer passed away.
Ennerus was devastated by the loss of his beloved wife. Even though she was gone, he couldn't let her memory fade away. As he looked up to pour out his feelings and emotions to the sky, he noticed an opportunistic raven snatching something out of the ground nearby. It was his wife's wedding ring, which he had given her on their wedding day.
Ennerus knew that the ring meant everything to him and his wife, and he couldn't just let a raven take it. He had to get the ring back, so he followed the raven.
The raven flew far to the base of a large rocky mountain. As Ennerus approached the mountain there was a giant rock slide and boulders and dirt came falling down. The raven was surprised and flew away, but dropped the ring in his escape. The ring was now lost under tons of dirt and rock that had just freshly fallen from the mountain. Ennerus was unphased, determined to get his wife's ring back he started to dig.
The dirt and rocks seemed endless, but he didn't stop. He dug deeper and deeper, using his sharp hooves to scrape through the earth. When his hooves became to torn up to continue digging he found himself a shovel and continued his search for the ring.
With every scoop of dirt, Ennerus' hope increased. He knew that the raven dropped the ring and that it was somewhere in the pile of debris beneath his hooves.
Hours of digging turned into days, and Ennerus needed to build a small shelter near the mountain to allow him to get some rest and keep up his efforts. Each day Ennerus would go out with his shovel and dig from sunrise until sunset looking for the ring of his dead wife.
Days turned into years and what had started as a dig for the love of his life, had slowly become an obsession to Ennerus. He knew that Dancer was not physically present, but her memories would live on with him forever and there was no way he could continue to live his old life without her. That ring was a symbol of that love, and he could not let that go.
As the years went by and Ennerus became an old deer, he was known as the deer who dug for love. Deer in the valley spread stories about how every evening, Ennerus would look up at the sky and whisper to his wife, telling her all about his day and how much he misses her.