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The Master Of Magic
Eviana of Vitegrity
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(Once upon a time when magic was an art that only few possessed and even fewer had come close to master it, there lived a girl called Eviana, Who loved to dream with her eyes open, during days and night.)
(Eviana's Father was a farmer who had lost all his wealth a few years during a great femine back years, Now, he tolis all day along with her two elder sisters in the field, Hoping that someday he'd be able to recoup his lands, that he had mortgaged up to the last inch, to save his family during the tough times.)
(And even Eviana was lazy, she wasn't unambitious. she had given her education because she knew that her father won;t be able to afford it. And that was her sacrifice. Her father understood it, but her sisters didn't.)
Enalynn: Have you no shame to sit with us and eat? you have no contribution in it, and yet you eat like you've earned it.
Father: Enough! she is your sister, and my daughter.
Clare: Of course! you will never tell her anything.
Father: Eviana!
(But there is a thing. Eviana had a dream, A dream that her sisters coult not see. She wanted to become a magician: the greatest at that ever. and since the last few years, she had been learning and practicing alone every night.)
Eviana: Hey Kids! Wanna see a trick?
(She get the ball and tos in the air and made a trick, the ball change from a bird up in the sky.)
Kids: Woahhhh! but where is our Ball?
(Eviana snap her finger and the bird change back to ball again. Here it is kids. and That day, when Eviana reached home, Her sister taunted her as usual.)
Clare: Oh! here she comes!
Enalynn: Please go to your room, your highness, food will be ready in a few hours.
Eviana: Father i was wondering if you would come hunting with me tomorrow? i just want to show something.
Father: Um.. sure my Daughter!
(So, the next day, Eviana and her father set off for the woods. when they reached there, Eviana looked at her father's concerned face.)
Eviana: Father, there is something i want to tell you. I am a magician now, and i can do wonderful magic with the snap of a finger,
Father: Ummm?
Eviana: Just watch me to his surprised Eviana snapped her fingers and viola! I am a Dog now Father!
Father: Huh? Huh! (Confused)
(She then grabbed a small bag in his mouth and dashed into the forest while his father stood right there, stunned. within a moments, Eviana Was back with his hunt, the old man was so happy to see how talented her daugther was! and they are happy with their hunts... they turned to live when.. A man show up and said,)
Claudius: Oh my, Oh my, what have you got there?
(He is Claudius the wicked merchant of the town)
with whom all the lands and plots of the poor men lay in mortgage. His plans was just so simple to rob the poor by helping them at their times of need, but then dropping a huge interest rate on the lent sum, so that the poor always remained in debt.
Father: Rabbits, Mr. Claudius! Six of them.
Claudius: Why, so many rabbits hunted by this dog?!
Father: Yes, it is something I've never seen before.
(The greedy Claudius was so impressed that he immediately proposed to buy the dog! The Old man thought for a while and then looked at to Eviana. With a smile on his face, Eviana's Father demanded an enormous amount for the dog and surprisingly. the deal was made!)
Claudius: Silly Old man! this amount is nothing compared to this hound. HAHAHAHA
( The next day, an elated Claudius went to forest with the dog to do something hunting, when suddenly, the dog made run and disappeared behind the thick bushes)
Claudius: hahaha, maye she's already found something. Dog! Good Doggy! Where are you???
(Meanwhile, Eviana had changed back to his human self and returned back home.
Father: Good Job my princess you made us proud.
(But Eviana wasn't done yet.)
Eviana: Claudius is an evil man. We have to find a way to help the others get their lands back.
Father: What do you suggest?
(The next day, Eviana turned into a golden hen, and off his father carried her to Claudiu's house. At first the evil merchant was so angry to see the farmer, but when the golden hen was revealed, his eyes dazzled and immediately he agreed to pay a huge sume of it, But when the old man Left, The golden hen turned into Eviana and with a snap of her finger turned Claudius into a Dog, After that Eviana change into Claudius body and he said to the Dog the real Claudius off you go now, this is your fate! and She turned back again into her real body Eviana.)
( And Whats Next, Well Eviana returned to every man their priced lands and money that were under Claudius' captivity the entire town cheered for him, and she become their hero and the news of Eviana the magician spread far and wide with every mouth singing her praises and every mind boggled by her abilities as a magician, The Lazy Daugther of a farmer, whom no one cared for much, had become their luminary,
People Singing her name Eviana, Eviana, Eviana. The End