Vinavor of Thelessious - Conjuror's Pride
Vinavor of Thelessious

On this great day, we arrive at our fearless conjuror Vinavor of Thelessious! She is a powerful sorceress with the ability to conjure magic from the elements around her. Vinavor was not an ordinary doe, for she possessed a magical axe that had been passed down from generation to generation in her family. This enchanted axe gave her immense power and allowed her to channel her magic in ways that were beyond the imagination of her fellow conjurors. Vinavor had been assigned to Keep watch and protect the Thelessious faction makers. She was unable to craft such glorious weaponry or tools that are provided to the Alliance but with the ability of her magical axe, she has the power to harvest the material in a fine and elegant way to ensure nothing went to waste and the quality was of the highest manner.
The makers of clan Thelessious were renowned for their exquisite woodcrafts and metalwork. Their creations were sought after far and wide. However, they faced constant threats from the humans that roamed the forest. It was until one fatal evening while the Thelessious makers were harvesting resources the humans came out from behind the trees and launched a deadly attack. Everyone there had to fall back, for safety was not very close. Most of the makers made their way back but left all of the resources they harvested that day behind. This had outraged King Ruthless. He summoned Vinavor that following evening and commanded her to protect the makers and give any humans seen the brutality that they deserved for what they had done.
The following few days had been quiet, the deer on site were very paranoid about what had happened, but their work was important. They were instructed by their clan's king to continue and not to worry now that protection was there. From the tree line, you could hear the sound of drums beginning to fill the air around them and all of the deer had gone silent to see what was happening. Humans had appeared again and began yelling as they lunged forward out of the trees to attempt to gain the new resources that were gathered. Vinavor sprang into action charging forward and yelling to her fellow deer "GET BACK, GET BEHIND ME!" She stopped in the middle of the field and raised her axe to the sky. Her axe began to glow in a purplish haze. The ancient text lit up and Vinavor chanted a phrase. The drums had gotten louder. The ground started to shake, and a pulse of air released in front of her and dashed toward the humans striking them and knocking them off their feet. Venavor moved her axe behind her and swung it to the other side of her body calling upon the elements of the forest to aid her. The leaves rustled, and the trees swayed as the magic flowed through her. Her antlers began to glow, and leaves shook and pointed at the humans and started flying toward them swiftly. The humans yelled; cuts were seen on them as the leaves made various passes all controlled through the power that Vinavor held. The makers behind her were amazed by what they were seeing. Noticing the humans could not advance forward due to the magic, the makers moved forward and grabbed their weapons, and began fighting back. The humans ran away with what little they could. They had been defeated. It was at this moment that fellow deer cheered with joy.
From that day on, Vinavor was known as the protector of her clan, and her enchanted axe became a symbol of their resilience and strength. The makers looked up to her with respect and admiration, and Vinavor continued to protect them, using her magic to ward off any threats that came their way. As time passed, Vinavor legend grew, and stories of her magical abilities spread far and wide. The enchanted axe became a coveted artifact, and many sought after it, but Vinavor guarded it fiercely, knowing that it was the key to her clan's survival.