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The knight is darkest just before the dawn
Lainardis of Ercility
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Years of war have left scars and other reminders of battle. Armor has become like a second skin, protecting him from hatred, and the sword has become his closest companion, helping him to endure the harsh realities of war.
But when the war finally ended, Lainardis of Ercility opened himself up to the beauty of life. To symbolize this newfound appreciation, a remarkable growth appeared on his head, but unlike any that had been seen before.
It was covered in shimmering crystals that seemed to reflect the colors of the world around him, and emitted a warm, comforting glow that soothed the scars of war and inspired hope for the future. It was as if nature had granted him a unique gift, a reminder that even in the darkest of times, there is always the potential for growth and transformation. He reconnected with nature and all the warmth and love that it brings, and never lost hope.