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Mance, the Blind Knight
Mance of Courience
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Mance was blind, but nobody knew. He always wore dark shades to hide his eyes. His fellow knights thought this was so that you couldn’t tell what he was thinking, but in reality it was so you couldn’t tell that his eyes were made of glass.
Mance had been born blind, but despite his disability he was determined to become a knight and to serve his king and queen. He studied hard and learned to fight using his other senses, and developed an exceptional memory to help him navigate the world. In battle, Mance was unlike any other knight. His other senses heightened beyond belief, allowing him to sense danger before it would come, feel the enemy's footsteps on the ground, and detect small movements in the air. He was swift and agile, making his way through the battlefield with grace and precision. The skill that Mance showed was seen by the captains and he was made a knight and quickly rose through the ranks.
One day the captain told Mance that wearing sunglasses was against the knight dress code. Mance refused to remove the sunglasses. The captain then forcefully tried to remove them, but Mance was too quick and blocked every attempt the captain had to try and remove them. The captain both impressed with the skill and embarrassed at his failure changed the dress code of the knights to allow sunglasses to be worn.