Lost in Magic: Story of Izak and Isidil
Isildil the Ice Whisperer

As Isildil walked through the bustling market, she tightly wrapped her cloak around her face, hoping to remain unnoticed. The last time she was recognized, there was a huge uproar as the crowds flocked to her, begging for cures or to have their wildest dreams fulfilled. Ever since she and her brother Izak had transformed the erupting volcano into a glacier, their story had spread far and wide. They had become regarded as one of the greatest magic wielders in Moonstone. The Kings and Queens of Moonstone had offered her riches and fame in exchange for her magic, but Isildil had refused them all and gone into hiding.
How she regretted the day that Izak and her had decided to stop that volcano from erupting. The day that changed her life. The day that she had lost her brother. The day a part of her died. The magic had been too strong for them to handle, but they had tried their best to hold on and save everyone. Isildil still remembers how Izak held her hand and whispered, “I love you, sis. Go live your best life,” before pushing her out of the way, as a large explosion erupted. When the dust settled, Isildil could not find her brother any where.
Despite everyone telling her that Izak was gone forever, Isildil refused to give up hope. She knew deep down that her brother was out there somewhere, waiting for her. But even in the midst of her sadness, Isildil felt a glimmer of magic inside her. She knew that if she held onto that magic, she could accomplish anything. Isildil reached out and patted her pet bjorn and said, “we will find him. We will find him no matter what it takes.”