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Lalisen, the Cemetery Caretaker
Lalisen of Ercility
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Lalisen lived in a small hut within the cemetery grounds. Her job was to make sure all the ghosts were taken care of and that no intruders were practicing dark magic and no grave robbers were disturbing the dead. Every night, she would cast spells to keep the ghosts at peace. The spirits knew Lalisen by name and respected her, for they knew how hard she worked to make sure they were content and safe.
Lalisen worked every night and she ended up sleeping during the daylight hours when the other deer were out. Years went by, and Lalisen continued to keep the spirits of the cemetery at peace. Her work was so isolating that every deer in town forgot that she existed because they hadn’t seen her in so long. Young fawns who wandered around the cemetery at night would see her pale fur and think she was a ghost and run away. Rumors started to spread about the ghost that looks after the cemetery. To this day it is unclear to the deer of the village if Lalisen is a ghost or just an old deer looking after the cemetery.