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Jared, the Amulet, and the sea
Jared of Domence
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Jared of Domence was a peaceful golden stag, who was a simple civilian tasked by his king to serve. lived his life residing by the Westsea.
The Weatsea had always intrigued Jared. He got really good at noticing how the currents seems to shift and turn at a moments notice. They seemed to change as often as the weather. The weather in the area was unpredictable, and seemed to worsen after each storm.
He assumed this was due to the legends of the Mad Sorceress upheaving so many magical stones from underneath the waves for the creation of his hometown of Moonstone. If Jared was not reading magical texts of the past, he found watching the humans (from the nearby town of Edgewood) venture out across the waters to and from the unknown land of the Greyisle.
One day, a terrible storm blew in from the sea, Jared did as he normally would and hunkered down in his sturdy home. After the storm was over, he ventured outside to assess any damages. He immediately noticed a group of humans who were struggling out in the shifting currents. As he watched them, he noticed that there was a young girl onboard who appeared to be gravely ill.
Without a second thought, Jared dove into the waters and with his knowledge of the currents and his powerful antlers, he pushed the boat to shore. Once the humans were safely on land, he noticed that the men in the boat were quite shaken.
They also seemed more frail and skittish than typical. the young girl held out her skeleton-like hand to Jared and whispered "Here - a token for your kind deed" and placed a small amulet in his pocket.
As the humans departed, Jared couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. He had never interacted with humans before, as he personally did not trust them. However, Humans and the Domence Stags were at peace with each other. He shrugged it off went back to his home. Hours passed, and Jared began to feel strange. He fell asleep that night and was plagued by vivid nightmares that left him restless and agitated. He awoke to his golden fur beginning to fall out in patches, and he found his blue Victorian suit to be baggy and not fit him as well.
He had lost weight overnight. Jared sought out the advice of the Stag Alliance Conjurers, who examined him and discovered the cause of his illness. The amulet the humans had given him was cursed, and it was slowly draining Jared's life force.
The conjurer's attempted to remove the amulet, but couldn't. It had attached itself to Jared's chest. After seeing this and in a panic, Jared ran back back to the spot where he had met the humans, hoping to find them and make them remove the curse. However, when he arrived at the shore, he found nothing but an empty boat.
Jared realized too late that the humans had used him, taking advantage of his kindness and using the cursed amulet as a way to dispose of him. He collapsed onto the grass, feeling his life slipping away. He had heard of stories about cursed items being retrieved from the Grayisles but this?! He was peaceful - He never bothered the humans - HE HAD SAVED THEM. Not him, not like this.. His mind raced. Overwhelmed by confusion, rage, and humility: he collapsed.
As he came to, Jared heard the rushed hoof-steps, of his conjurer allies.
One of which, he did not expect - His Sister Almara of Domence. His sister had not spoken to him in years, let alone be anywhere near him. Without speaking, Almara used her magic to emit large white spider-like beams from her eyes which extended to the cursed amulet infused with Jared.
The bright white light light burned into Jared. Jared experienced pain that coursed throughout what flet like every vein. He watched as the amulet disintegrated. Almara pulled Jared to his feet. With a scoff, Almara said, " Always looking out for you arent I, Brother?"
Jared nodded
Surround by members of Domence, Almara spoke further, "This is just circumstantial that I was able to save your life. We are on our way to the Grayisle.
There is a great evil afoot there and it must be stopped." She paused for a moment, looking away and under her breath whispered, "Jared, I need your help to traverse these waters. You are one of the few stags alive that knows the patterns of the currents." She looked again at her brother, "And Did I mention you have no choice? I simply cauterized your wound. The magic still flows from its source -You'll be dead within the month if the evil on that Isle is not stopped." Looking towards the island in the distance he said, "This is only the beginning."