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Andy's Tale
Andy of Vitegrity
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Andy was born with a unique feature that made him stand out from the other stags. He had a unicorn horn instead of antlers, which no other stag had. From a young age, the other stags would shun him, and make fun of him for being different. Andy felt ashamed and embarrassed, and would avoid socializing with others.
He would always hide his horn under a hood to avoid being ridiculed by the other animals. But, one day, while walking through town, he was approached by a cloaked figure. The figure called out to him by name but Andy had never seen him before. As Andy stepped backwards, the figure reached out attempting to tug at his hood. Andy felt panicked and decided to run away as he was terrified that his horn would be exposed. But as he started running away, he heard the hoofs of the figure chasing behind him. He tried to hide, but eventually, the figure caught him, and pulled off Andy's hood, revealing his unicorn horn.
Andy tried to cover his horn as much as he could, and he felt tears of shame well up in his eyes. Bracing himself to be ridiculed once more, the figure instead lifted his cloak, and another stag with a unicorn horn stood before him. Andy was amazed, he thought he was the only one! We felt relief and joy wash over him. The stag then told Andy that he was part of a small group of stags with unicorn antlers, and that they had realized that they had a special power within their unicorn horns.
This special group of stags had gathered together, so they could serve the Chosen One in the upcoming war. Andy was amazed by what he heard and felt a newfound sense of belonging. He was no longer alone, and his unique horn was not something to be ashamed of. Andy decided that he would join them and hopefully it would lead him to find his true purpose and a place where he belonged.