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Alvando, the Great Speech
Alvando of Virtice
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Division had entered the clans of Moonstone and the Stags needed a leader to bring them together. Alvando knew that if any of the royals spoke up other clans would think that they were just looking out for their best interest. Alvando knew that these words had to come from a politician, and he was that. Alvando was one of the most popular politicians because he had a way with words and helping people come together.
An angry mob of deer from every clan entered the town square ready to start a brawl. Alvando knew he had to act fast. He jumped onto a barrel and let the words come out of his mouth.
“Friends, animals, fellow forest creatures...lend me your ears! I stand before you today, not as a deer, nor as a politician, but as a humble servant of Moonstone. For too long have we been divided, separated by our differences, rather than united by our similarities. But I say to you, my beloved animals of this great place, that our time has come. Our time to rise up, to come together as one, to create a new era of unity and prosperity for all. For what sets us apart is not what makes us weak, but what makes us strong. It is our differences that bring diversity to Moonstone, that creates beauty where there was once only monotony. And so, I ask you to join with me, to pledge your loyalty to this noble cause of unity and equality. Let us work together, hand in hand, antler in antler, to create a bright and shining future for all who call Moonstone home. Rise up, my friends, and let us make history! For Moonstone is not just a place we live, it is our home, our sanctuary, and our legacy. And we owe it to ourselves, to our children, and to all who will come after us, to ensure that it remains a shining beacon of hope, justice and equality. So, let us go forward with courage and determination, for we are the Stag Alliance, and nothing can stop us when we stand together as one!”
The crowd of deer cheered because they knew that whatever challenges they faced, they faced them together. With the unity of the clans they could face any challenge because they were stronger together.